Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Adventures of Bean Boy and Bean Girls

Last week Chad and I got to take Rosmery, the oldest girl who lives at the Children’s Home, to Puerto Plata for dinner and a movie courtesy of her sponsors and family in the United States, the Beckham’s.  It was so much fun, and I was so grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this and spend some more time with Rosmery.
We started the trip off by going to La Sirena (a big supermarket kind of similar to Walmart) to buy some supplies to make beans for the Easter Egg Hunt we were having the following week.  Here in the Dominican Republic, the week before Easter is called Holy Week.  One of the traditions is to prepare this dish known as “habichuelas con dulce” or “sweet beans.”  To make sure our Egg Hunt fit the Dominicans’ expectations, we had to serve sweet beans so we went to La Sirena to buy all of our supplies.  We bought A LOT of stuff to make these sweet beans and Rosmery helped us out with all of it.  She’s not really a fan of the beans, and so she kept making fun of us for getting all of this stuff.  Then somewhere throughout the entire process we started referring to Chad as Bean Boy and to ourselves as Bean Girls.  When you’re buying 10 pounds of beans, 10 pounds of sugar, and various other items to put in a massive quantity of beans, you have to make jokes about something.  
After the bean purchasing, we went to the resort where the movie theater is.  We ate a yummy dinner at Pizza Hut, walked down to see the beach, and even got some fake tattoos while we were waiting for the movie to start.  Rosmery chose a Dominican made movie called La Hija Natural which was interesting to say the least.  The movie was fun as well as all of the conversation and critiques afterwards.
When we finally made it back to Bobita, Rosmery and Keren, another girl who lives at the Children’s Home, spent the night at my house.  We stayed up watching Mary Poppins until all of us finally fell asleep.  
I had such a wonderful time with Rosmery.  She is such an incredible girl, and I really feel like our relationship was able to grow more that day.  Rosmery is going to be a part of Manna Christian School with our discipling program and with the English classes.  She only has one more year left of high school, so she will continue studying academically at the local high school for her final year.  Please keep Rosmery in your prayers as she completes this final year of high school, becomes involved with Manna Christian School, and transitions out of the Children’s Home to study at the university level.  I know the Lord has big plans for her life.
Stay tuned for more adventures of Bean Boy and Bean Girls...

One of the many ways we found to amuse ourselves before the movie started, grinding up some coffee beans.

Rosmery wanted me to take her picture with this really cool surf board.

Our awesome tattoos!

Bean Girls and Bean Boy

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